As a gun owner in California, it is not only your right but also your responsibility to keep your guns safe and secure. One crucial aspect of responsible gun ownership is safe gun storage. Not only does this protect your loved ones from accidental injuries, but it’s also required by law in California. Proper gun storage is essential to prevent accidents, theft, and unauthorized access. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some best practices for safe gun storage.

The Importance of Safe Gun Storage
Accidental shootings and gun-related deaths are a significant concern in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), firearms were involved in over 45,000 deaths in 2020, including suicides, homicides, and accidental shootings. Unfortunately, the problem doesn’t stop there. Many more individuals suffer from nonfatal injuries. In fact, almost 20% of all medically treated firearm injuries are caused by unintentional firearm incidents. Many of these deaths and injuries could have been prevented with proper gun storage. By following safe gun storage best practices, you can help keep your family safe.
Safe gun storage helps prevent unauthorized access to firearms. Children, teenagers, and other unauthorized users can accidentally discharge a firearm if they have access to it. This can result in serious injuries or fatalities. Safe gun storage also helps prevent theft, which can lead to the use of firearms in crimes.
What is Safe Gun Storage?
In California, safe gun storage means storing your firearms in a way that is inaccessible to children or anyone who is not authorized to have access to them. Under California law, it’s illegal to store firearms where a minor or a person who is prohibited from owning a firearm may have access. As a gun owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your firearms are stored in a safe and secure manner.
Here are some tips for keeping your family safe:
1) Invest in a Gun Safe
Although storing your firearms in a locked room or closet is legally permissible, the most secure method of gun storage is investing in a gun safe. A top-notch gun safe will offer sufficient space for all of your firearms and ammunition, while also guaranteeing that unauthorized individuals cannot access them.

When selecting a gun safe, prioritize models with a robust build that can fully contain all of your firearms. Additionally, ensure that your chosen safe adheres to the gun safe standards established by the California Department of Justice (DOJ).
If you don’t have a gun safe, storing your firearms in a locked gun case or cabinet is another option. A lockable gun case or cabinet can keep your guns out of sight and reach of unauthorized individuals. Choose a lockable gun case or locked cabinet that is sturdy and meets DOJ standards.
2) Keep Your Guns Unloaded
Keeping your firearms unloaded when not in use is an essential component of safe gun storage. Unloading your guns can prevent accidental discharges and keep unauthorized individuals from accessing them. When storing your guns, remove the magazine and check the chamber to ensure there is no ammunition. Store the ammunition separately from the firearm in a locked location.
If you are not comfortable unloading your firearms, it is recommended that you seek assistance from a professional. Professional gun services companies like California Gun Services have trained experts who can safely unload your firearms and provide guidance on proper gun storage.
3) Use Trigger Locks or Cable Locks

Trigger locks and cable locks are excellent tools to enhance gun safety. A trigger lock is a device that fits over the gun’s trigger and prevents it from firing. A cable lock is a cable that goes through the gun’s barrel and prevents it from being loaded or fired.
Both options are affordable and easy to install, providing an extra layer of security and ensuring that your guns remain inoperable when not in use. You can purchase these types of locks at most gun stores or online retailers.
4) Educate Your Family
Education is key when it comes to safe gun storage. If you store guns in your home, you should educate your family members should on safe gun handling and storage practices. It is crucial to ensure that everyone in your household understands the potential dangers of firearms and how to handle them safely.
Teach your family members, especially children, about gun safety and the importance of safe gun storage. Teach them that guns are not toys and should only be used by trained individuals. Inform them not to touch firearms and to tell an adult if they find one.
5) Store ammunition separately
It is important to store ammunition separately from firearms. Storing ammunition in the same safe as firearms can increase the risk of accidental discharge if the safe is tampered with. Additionally, if a thief manages to break into your gun safe, they will not have access to your ammunition. Make sure to store your ammunition in a secure location, such as a locked cabinet or safe.
Safe gun storage is an essential aspect of responsible gun ownership. By following these best practices for safe gun storage, you can ensure that your firearms remain secure and out of reach of unauthorized individuals. At California Gun Services, we are committed to promoting safe gun ownership and helping gun owners keep their firearms secure. We provide various services related to guns, including gun disposal, gun audits, and firearm transfers. If you have any questions about your guns, safe gun storage, or gun disposal, don’t hesitate to contact us at California Gun Services.